
The founding team

Three active women with different backgrounds are at the origin of the ACTIW Association. Their main motivation was to give a boost to women and to promote the image of women through their empowerment and leadership in order to contribute together in an active way to sustainable development.


Willia Fagnina Razafindrano

President, founder of the ACTIW Association Antananarivo


Délicie Rasolofomanana

Secretary General, founder of the ACTIW Association Antananarivo


Andry Mahefasoanandraina

Treasurer, founder of the ACTIW Association Antananarivo

Our focal points

ACTIW works with local focal points. They are each in charge at their level of making known the real needs in the field in order to allow the elaboration of different types of projects. Thanks to this practice, the realization of each project allows to have a real impact of the actions on the field.

Conditions of membership

Men and women who share the values of the association are welcome. Indeed, for sustainable development to be real, the contribution of men alongside women is indispensable.

The conditions of membership are defined by the statutes and internal regulations of the association.

Article 1 - Approval of new members.

Any new member must be accepted and presented by a member of the association, prior to his approval.
It is approved by the board ruling by a majority of all its members.
The board decides at each of its meetings on the applications for admission presented.
Persons wishing to join must fill out a membership form.

Article 2 - Resignation - Exclusion - Death of a member

1. The resignation must be addressed to the Chairman of the Board in a signed letter. It does not have to
be motivated by the resigning member.

2. As stated in article 8 of the association’s statutes, the exclusion of a member can be pronounced by the board of directors for
be pronounced by the Board of Directors, for serious reasons. The following in particular are
deemed to constitute serious grounds :

  • A criminal conviction for a crime or misdemeanor
  • Any action likely to prejudice, directly or indirectly, the activities of the
    activities of the association or to its reputation.

In any case, the interested party must be given the opportunity to present his defense,
prior to the decision of exclusion.
The decision to exclude is adopted by the board ruling by a two-thirds majority of the members
members present.


We are pleased to welcome you to our community. Please fill out this form to become a member of ACTIW

Join the Actiw women's network

The ACTIW women’s network has been set up to enable female solidarity by putting women in contact with each other, sharing good practices, cooperation and mutual aid.

If you share the values of the association and wish to become a member of the ACTIW network, you can fill in the following form:

Our partners
Fondation simafri logo

Lot VA 46 Ampasanimalo, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM


+261 34 88 800 98
+261 34 23 098 31