Economic, social and political equality

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Equality is known as the state of being equal on all grounds of the basic definition. On the basis of a wide debate on the issues related to equality, we can say that we have never witnessed equality since the presence of humanity. 

Nevertheless, since the development of divergent opinions from a wide range of perspectives based on certainly recognized views of human nature: equality can only be described correctly from the perspective approved in the understanding of the fundamental principles of humanity. This blog will introduce you to the importance of economic and social equality for women.

Social equality

It is important to understand the importance of economic and social equality. Here, we will briefly mention the points related to social inequality in Madagascar. Social inequality has long been prevalent in Madagascar.

  • Regional disparities increased in the 1990s, with the southern and western parts doing better than the eastern or northern parts.
  • Economic disparity has further increased within states.
  • The persistent inequality in Madagascar is in the area of income and the distribution of income and resources among people.
  • This is because of factors such as family influence and heritage, etc.
  • There is a vital difference between individuals employed in the formal and non-formal sectors.
  • People earn less money in the informal sector, and in the formal sector, people get a nice sum.
  • This has usually led to multiple conflicts within individuals, groups or between one social group and the other.
  • Yet people are fighting on the basis of religion.
  • There are still inequalities between these societies on many fronts such as education and employment.
  • The caste system in Madagascar has been eliminated but only on paper.
  • People are following the same thing though.
  • There are great inequalities between the members of the upper castes and the members of the lower castes.
  • In short, Madagascar also manages social inequalities in the current scenario.

Accelerating economic and social equality for women in Madagascar

Accelerating economic and social equality for women has become the need of the hour.

Wherever they live in Madagascar, girls and boys alike see gender inequality every day in their respective homes and communities, in movies, textbooks,

Wherever they live in Madagascar, girls and boys alike see gender inequality daily in their respective homes and communities, in movies, textbooks, the media, and among the men and women who provide care and support. Throughout Madagascar, gender inequality creates a scenario of unequal opportunities, affecting the lives of both sexes.

However, reports suggest that girls are the most disadvantaged in a male-dominated society. Globally, girls have higher survival rates at birth, are likely to be progressively on track, and are equally expected to participate in preschool. However, Madagascar is the only major country where more girls die than boys. In addition, girls are likely to drop out of school. Girls, like boys, experience adolescence differently in Madagascar. While boys tend to feel more free, girls are likely to experience considerable constraints on their ability to move smoothly and make decisions that affect their education, marriage, work, and social relationships.

Energizing the next generation to focus on economic and social equality is crucial, and maintaining the balance is important for the overall growth of a country.

The goal is to achieve economic and social equality !

We advocate for women’s social concerns in livelihood programs. Through our constant efforts for women’s empowerment, we are helping to achieve economic and social equality for women to some extent in some parts of Madagascar. A better status of women in the country will ensure the progress and development of the nation on all fronts.

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