Active Women : powerful change agents for sustainable socio-economic development.






People helped


Projects in progress


Faced with the current challenges of sustainable development, ACTIW’s mission is to promote local sustainable development through women’s action. The objective is to promote the empowerment of women and to activate the commitment and participation of women at the local level in sustainable development by boosting women’s knowledge and capacities. The association also aims to give a boost to women’s action.
The association has local focal points in several localities of Madagascar and aims to extend it to the national, regional and international levels. This approach aims to start from local needs for the elaboration of each project in order to obtain a real impact of the actions on the ground and tangible results.
The aim is to develop and support sustainable actions in favor of women.


Our commitment

ACTIW’s objective is the respect of fundamental rights and the empowerment of women for an effective sustainable development. Thus, we support the creation and development of activities by women.

sustainable development

Our objectives

ACTIW is a humanitarian association whose objectives are, at the local, national, regional and international levels, to

  • Promote the empowerment of women
  • Promote and support sustainable development actions through training and capacity building of women
  • Promote the creation and development of income generating activities for women
  • Strengthening women’s networks
  • Valuing women’s work
  • Strengthening women’s leadership
  • Strengthening women’s negotiation skills
  • Promoting women as actors of positive social change
The association hopes to extend its activity to other forms of development assistance, and in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.


ACTIW operates with the support of national and international donors.

The resources of the association include
The amount of entry fees and contributions
State, regional and municipal subsidies.
Donations from donors
The product of the activities: parties, events, sales etc.
All resources authorized by the laws and regulations in force.
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Make a donation

Thank you for your donation. By supporting ACTIW you are helping to support women for sustainable development. Your contribution is a major investment for sustainable actions in favor of women.

« To educate a woman is to educate a whole nation »
James Emman Aggrey
James Emman Aggrey


Discover here our best quotes

Women’s empowerment is only theoretical without positive masculinity.

Together, women and men, let’s give a boost to the complementarity between men and women because a balanced society is a guarantee of successful sustainable development.

Women’s economic empowerment is a prerequisite for inclusive sustainable development of families, communities and states.

Each of us, woman, man, is a solution to the social inclusion of women. It is now that we must act each at our level to achieve a positive social change towards a more inclusive society.

Women who help each other can climb mountains. Women networking allows them to increase each other’s potential.


Lot VA 46 Ampasanimalo, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM


+261 34 88 800 98
+261 34 23 098 31